miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022




MODALITY B: Environmental Education on Sustainability and global change

A. TERRAL Project



1) Analysis of the environment: social demands and potential resources.

The IES Alhaken II is located in a privileged area of ​​the city next to an important green area, the park of the writer Elena Fortún. It has been located in an area with two clearly differentiated neighborhoods in its urban, demographic, etc: Ciudad Jardín, an older and more consolidated neighborhood, and another of relative and recent construction, Huerta de la Marquesa.

In their economic aspect, both neighborhoods have a good level of commercial activity. Almost 85% are wage earners and family income is high or very high (Poniente). More than 80% own their own home. Regarding the level of university studies, the high percentage in Huerta de la Marquesa stands out, as it is a newer neighborhood: more than double that of the entire Municipality. The economic and cultural factor of the family context clearly affects social aspects, but also educational ones. In particular, the social, economic and cultural status of families and the social composition of the Center have a clear impact on school achievement, which may even be more important than that attributed to the school curriculum or to the resources available.

Our students in general, like most young people of these ages, need to raise awareness of the importance of caring for nature, the value of biodiversity and natural resources, and the impact of human activities on the environment. Both students and families need to acquire behaviors of respect and care of their closest environment, sustainable consumption habits, etc. Therefore, we consider environmental education as a strategic line of work for the improvement of citizenship and the school, thus creating new routines, references, awareness and establishing healthy habits for us and our planet.

IES ALHAKEN II  has participated in the two previous courses and consecutively (2017-18 and 2018-19), so this course wants to continue with the projects that were started previously. In addition, the Aldea program will be carried out in coordination with the Erasmus+ Eco program ( Eco thinking for Eco living )to which the school is also attached.

2) Lines of intervention and thematic projects to be developed.


1. Specific objectives for the 2019/20 school year.

a) Become aware of the socio-environmental problems of climate change.

b) Promote energy-saving attitudes and behaviors that respect the environment.

c) Carry out actions that imply an effective reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere.

2. Contents

The ALDEA project aims to carry out an analysis of the CO2 emissions of the educational center, carried out collectively by the educational community, with the aim of proposing environmental and behavioral improvements of the people who live there, aimed at an effective reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. To achieve this, he proposes two successive strategies: a didactic aimed at improving the level of awareness and knowledge of Climate Change, and another aimed at the effective reduction of CO2 emissions, in the educational center and its surroundings, assuming commitments to reduce them effectively.

 The concrete proposal for reduction will focus on the areas where CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are most significant, such as the following:

Electric and heating energy consumption of the gas boiler.

Transportation of students and teachers to the Educational Center.

Minimization of paper consumption.

In subsequent years, the accounting of emissions will allow us to verify the validity of the proposed measures, their review and the approach of new ones that allow us to assume new upcoming challenges. 

Another element that must be considered is the communication of the results obtained, both to publicize the problem of climate change to others, and to highlight the importance of adding all the small achievements that we achieve, and thus, understand more easily the value of our actions.

3. Curriculum integration strategies.

To address such a cross-cutting issue as climate change in a Secondary Center, interdisciplinary work and collaboration between different curricular areas is mandatory. The following Departments will be involved:

-Biology and geology.

- Geography and History.

- Philosophy

-Physics and chemistry.

- French


- Spanish language and literature.


 4. Training proposals for the development of the program.

- Workshops for teachers taught by the Educational Secretariats of the ALDEA PROGRAM (still to be specified).

 5. Activities to perform. Schedule.

a) Presentation of the project to the Educational Community

It is of vital importance that all the components of the educational community know and raise awareness about the importance of adopting measures that reduce the center's CO2 emissions and collaborate in curbing climate change. Therefore, it will be necessary to have the complicity of the entire educational community to extend the adoption of the measures to the environment in which the center is located and to the students 'and teachers' own homes.

Creation of a monitoring commission. The coordinator will propose the creation of a group of people who will be responsible for following during the school year reducing emissions in the school; for this, it will have the educational team of the educational center that is involved in this project. The monitoring commission will be constituted by the interested faculty, and we will invite a representation of the students, members of the AMPA and administrative and services staff. We will meet at least three times during the school year. The operation of the Commission will be established at the first meeting and the method to find out the center's emissions from energy consumption, transport and paper will be put in place. The functions of this commission are:

- Present the objectives of the ALDEA Project.

- Carry out a distribution of tasks for the calculation of CO2 emissions.

- Carry out the calculation of CO2 emissions derived from electricity consumption, heating, paper and travel of educational staff.

- Define, once analyzed the proposals made by the students, the decalogue of commitments that the center will add.

- Make proposals to effectively achieve the reduction of CO2 emissions from the center.

b) Awareness activities and knowledge of the problem

- Survey of the educational community: previously, a survey will be carried out, if possible via Google Forms, about what they currently know and what they think about climate change. [2 trimester]

 - Calculation of the Center's CO2 emissions: using the invoices provided by the Secretariat, the CO2 emissions derived from our electricity consumption, fuel consumption for heating, the use of the different means of transportation used by teachers will be calculated and the students to reach the center, as well as the emissions related to paper consumption. [2 and 3 quarter]

- Research on the Center's CO2 emissions: based on the results of the emission calculation, the behaviors regarding electricity expenditure, heating use, paper consumption and the way to or from the center will be studied, and will be proposed together with the students ways to reduce and minimize these consumptions. [2 and 3 quarter]

- Reduction proposals: Each class will make a proposal of classroom commitments. Among all, the development of a decalogue of good practices, linked to the reduction of CO2 emissions will be carried out. [3 quarter]

-Activities with students: sensitization talk, with the activities "Draw climate change", and "Domino effect". [2 and 3 quarter]

- Acorn: we know that forests act as CO2 sinks. With the sowing of different seeds of trees of the genus Quercus (holm oaks, cork oaks, etc.) it is intended to work the reduction measures (after calculating what we emit) and it is proposed to compensate these emissions (balance them) by planting of trees that absorb atmospheric CO2. [1 and 2 quarter]

6. Educational resources.

- Videos related to the subject.

- “Domino Effect” tabs, to work on the topic with the class.

- "Kit to combat climate change".

- Traveling exhibition on the greenhouse effect and global warming.

- Google Classroom.

- Blog of the school. https://blogiesalhakenerasmuseco.blogspot.com/

- Personal resources: the educational community.

- Paper, pens, cards, etc.

7. Techniques and instruments for communication and dissemination of planned actions.

- The dissemination to the educational community will take place in the cloisters, in the meetings of the monitoring commission and in the tutoring sessions.

- Students will give talks for all classes about the work being done.

- AMPA will have an important role in disseminating the project to the rest of the fathers of the center

8. Monitoring and Evaluation.

Evaluation is a fundamental phase in the educational process for several reasons. On the one hand, it facilitates data collection of interventions carried out by teachers and, on the other hand, it serves to assess student learning. All this information facilitates feedback and improves the quality of interventions (and the project) in the future.

The evaluation of the Action Plan will be carried out by monitoring the activities carried out, the development of the project, analyzing each of its phases, looking at the difficulties and proposing improvements that allow achieving the proposed objectives more effectively.

An evaluation will be carried out at the end of each quarter, as well as a survey at the end of the course to assess how the project has worked and launch proposals for improvement for the next course.


In the " Aldea " program, promoted by the Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Fishing and Sustainable Development Department and the Sports and Education  Department of Andalusia, "Recapacicla" is an Environmental Education project about waste and recycling. This project aims to encourage reflection and active implication from Educational Centres in the development of responsible consumption habits for the reduction of waste and its recycling.

This questionnaire allows the collection of data on behaviors, actions, and ideas of the population in relation to this topic.

Please complete the different fields and, once finished, press the send button that appears in the lower left. Immediately, a message will confirm the sending of the questionnaire.

 Sections marked with an asterisk must be completed. 

Thank you.

 Email address *

General data

School’s name * 

Locality * 

Province * 

Name and Surnames of the responsable teacher *

Student’s Surname *

 Student’s Name *

Course *

 Date of data collection *  Date

Thinking about our consumption:

1. Answer these questions by marking what you think is closest to the usual behaviour of people residing in your home *

                                                                           Always              Sometimes             Never

 1. What it is bought at home, is it really necessary?


2. Do you try to buy local products?


3. Do you try to buy products that have little packaging?

4. Do you buy fair trade products?



5. Do you buy from stores near your                   



6. Is your car usually used to make

    the purchase?


7. Before throwing something in the trash, what do we ask if it could be fixed or reused?



8. Think about which containers is the final destination of the waste you take   to recycling containers?


9. And the containers of organic waste  and remain?

Our habits in waste

2. Is the waste separated in your house? * *

        1. No, they all go to the same trash can 

         (in this case, move on to question # 6)

         2. Yes, organic matter is separated from other waste (paper,  

          glass, light containers).


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